A helping hand with your company’s financing needs, whatever their size.
Sustainable financing is a foundation on which business operations are built. Financing needs vary during a company’s life cycle: first steps of a new business, development projects, investments and reorganisation. We are familiar with all of these, and we will support you from financial planning throughout the funding application process.
Financial planning
We are not afraid to grab the bull by the horns! A no-frills planning process starts by charting out the current situation and the financing needs together with our expert. We will also look into other significant factors, such as collateral. On the basis of this initial information, we will propose the most suitable financing solutions for your company.

Financial documentation
When applying for funding, you need documents and reports that will help the financier understand the financing project. Clarity and expertise are assets when preparing these documents. Save time and focus on the essential, while we prepare the documents for you.
Company collateral
New financing usually requires collateral security to ensure the repayment of the financing. When it is topical to apply for collateral, we will extend a helping hand. In addition to guarantees and mortgages on company assets, we also utilise EIF guarantees as part of the financing package.

Business subsidies and support by Business Finland and Centres for Economic Development, Transport and the Environment
Leverage for growth
and development!

My team of top experts will give you their whole-hearted support. Let’s find the solution that will best suit your company’s financing needs!
We got your back!
Find the financial experts who will help your company on the journey to success.