We want to thank our customers and partners for the past year and wish all peaceful Christmas time and a bright New Year 2021.
Instead of sending Christmas cards, we have donated Christmas card money to charity. This year, we wanted to play our part in supporting the social activities where help is most needed, which is why we chose to target food aid.
ViaDia, which operates nationwide throughout Finland, was chosen as the target of our donation. The ViaDia movement consists of the umbrella organization ViaDia and 36 ViaDia local associations.
We directed our donations to ViaDia, which distributes our donation directly to the local associations where Gallant’s offices are located.
23.12. On Wednesday, we close at 2 p.m.
24.12-25.12. Closed
31.12. On Thursday we close at 2 p.m.
1.1. Closed
6.1. Closed
Merry Christmas!
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